发布于 2017-06-23 23:51:40 | 162 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Flink 通用数据处理平台
Apache Flink 声明式的数据分析开源系统,结合了分布式 MapReduce 类平台的高效,灵活的编程和扩展性。同时在并行数据库发现查询优化方案。
Apache Flink 1.3.1 发布了,这是 Apache Flink 1.3 系列的首个 bug 修复版本。该版本包含 50 个修复程序和对 Flink 1.3.0 的小改进。下面的列表包括所有修补程序的详细列表。建议用户升级至该版本。
[FLINK-6492] - Unclosed DataOutputViewStream in GenericArraySerializerConfigSnapshot#write()
[FLINK-6602] - Table source with defined time attributes allows empty string
[FLINK-6652] - Problem with DelimitedInputFormat
[FLINK-6659] - RocksDBMergeIteratorTest, SavepointITCase leave temporary directories behind
[FLINK-6669] - [Build] Scala style check errror on Windows
[FLINK-6685] - SafetyNetCloseableRegistry is closed prematurely in Task::triggerCheckpointBarrier
[FLINK-6772] - Incorrect ordering of matched state events in Flink CEP
[FLINK-6775] - StateDescriptor cannot be shared by multiple subtasks
[FLINK-6780] - ExternalTableSource should add time attributes in the row type
[FLINK-6783] - Wrongly extracted TypeInformations for WindowedStream::aggregate
[FLINK-6797] - building docs fails with bundler 1.15
[FLINK-6801] - PojoSerializerConfigSnapshot cannot deal with missing Pojo fields
[FLINK-6804] - Inconsistent state migration behaviour between different state backends
[FLINK-6807] - Elasticsearch 5 connector artifact not published to maven
[FLINK-6808] - Stream join fails when checkpointing is enabled
[FLINK-6809] - side outputs documentation: wrong variable name in java example code
[FLINK-6812] - Elasticsearch 5 release artifacts not published to Maven central
[FLINK-6815] - Javadocs don't work anymore in Flink 1.4-SNAPSHOT
[FLINK-6816] - Fix wrong usage of Scala string interpolation in Table API
[FLINK-6833] - Race condition: Asynchronous checkpointing task can fail completed StreamTask
[FLINK-6844] - TraversableSerializer should implement compatibility methods
[FLINK-6848] - Extend the managed state docs with a Scala example
[FLINK-6853] - Migrating from Flink 1.1 fails for FlinkCEP
[FLINK-6869] - Scala serializers do not have the serialVersionUID specified
[FLINK-6875] - Remote DataSet API job submission timing out
[FLINK-6881] - Creating a table from a POJO and defining a time attribute fails
[FLINK-6883] - Serializer for collection of Scala case classes are generated with different anonymous class names in 1.3
[FLINK-6886] - Fix Timestamp field can not be selected in event time case when toDataStream[T], `T` not a `Row` Type.
[FLINK-6896] - Creating a table from a POJO and use table sink to output fail
[FLINK-6899] - Wrong state array size in NestedMapsStateTable
[FLINK-6914] - TrySerializer#ensureCompatibility causes StackOverflowException
[FLINK-6915] - EnumValueSerializer broken
[FLINK-6921] - EnumValueSerializer cannot properly handle appended enum values
[FLINK-6922] - Enum(Value)SerializerConfigSnapshot uses Java serialization to store enum values
[FLINK-6930] - Selecting window start / end on row-based Tumble/Slide window causes NPE
[FLINK-6932] - Update the inaccessible Dataflow Model paper link
[FLINK-6941] - Selecting window start / end on over window causes field not resolve exception
[FLINK-6948] - EnumValueSerializer cannot handle removed enum values
[FLINK-5354] - Split up Table API documentation into multiple pages
[FLINK-6038] - Add deep links to Apache Bahir Flink streaming connector documentations
[FLINK-6796] - Allow setting the user code class loader for AbstractStreamOperatorTestHarness
[FLINK-6803] - Add test for PojoSerializer when Pojo changes
[FLINK-6859] - StateCleaningCountTrigger should not delete timer
[FLINK-6929] - Add documentation for Table API OVER windows
[FLINK-6952] - Add link to Javadocs
[FLINK-6748] - Table API / SQL Docs: Table API Page
[FLINK-6830] - Add ITTests for savepoint migration from 1.3
[FLINK-6320] - Flakey JobManagerHAJobGraphRecoveryITCase
[FLINK-6744] - Flaky ExecutionGraphSchedulingTest
[FLINK-6913] - Instable StatefulJobSavepointMigrationITCase.testRestoreSavepoint
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId> <artifactId>flink-java</artifactId> <version>1.3.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId> <artifactId>flink-streaming-java_2.10</artifactId> <version>1.3.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId> <artifactId>flink-clients_2.10</artifactId> <version>1.3.1</version> </dependency>