发布于 2016-12-24 00:51:39 | 101 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
WiredTiger NoSQL 存储引擎
WiredTiger 是一个开源的、高性能、可伸缩的 NoSQL 数据存储引擎。
MongoDB 存储引擎 WiredTiger 2.9.1 发布了。WiredTiger 2.9.1 版本包含新功能,新的支持平台,次要 API 更改和错误修复。有关详细信息,请参阅更改日志。
新功能和 API 更改(有关完整详细信息,请参阅 API 文档):
SERVER-26545 Remove fixed-size limitation on WiredTiger hazard pointers. See the upgrading documentation for details
WT-283 Add a new WT_SESSION::alter method that can be used to reconfigure table metadata
WT-2670 Change the default file system access pattern advice for data files from random to no advice. Add access_pattern_hint configuration option for WT_SESSION::create API that can be used to advise the file system of expected access semantics. See the upgrading documentation for details.
WT-3034 Add support for including updates when reading from named snapshots
WT-2960 Reduce likelihood of using the lookaside file, especially when inserting multi-megabyte values
WT-3056 Allow projected table and join cursors to use primary keys
WT-3070 Fix a bug in search_near on indexes