发布于 2018-01-15 00:16:43 | 67 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


WiredTiger NoSQL 存储引擎

WiredTiger 是一个开源的、高性能、可伸缩的 NoSQL 数据存储引擎。

MongoDB 存储引擎已发布 WiredTiger 3.0.0 版本,新版本移除了对 wtstats 的支持、修改了日志文件格式以记录先前的 LSN 记录,此外还包含很多其他的 bug 修复和变更。


  • WT-3039 Change the log file format to record a previous LSN record

  • WT-3181 Add support for application defined transaction IDs via a mechanism called timestamps.

  • WT-3310 Add support to WT_SESSION::alter to change table log setting

  • WT-3389 Restructure page split code to hold a split generation for the entire operation.

  • WT-3406 Fix a bug in reconciliation so that it ignores concurrent updates.

  • WT-3418 Fix a block manager race in tree close/open

  • WT-3435 Improvements to the cache overflow mechanism aka lookaside

  • WT-3437 Improvements to auto tuning of number of eviction workers

  • WT-3440 Add a log record when starting a checkpoint.

  • WT-3461 Avoid hangs when system clocks move backwards by using CLOCK_MONOTONIC for pthread_cond_timedwait if possible.

  • WT-3490 Fix a bug in WT_CURSOR.modify unaligned size_t access.

  • WT-3495 Fix a bug so we don't ftruncate if log cursors are open

  • WT-3497 Improve logging message when hitting the configured session limits

  • WT-3537 Split pages in memory when nothing can be written

  • WT-3556 Remove wtstats support

  • WT-3681 Change recovery so that it doesn't truncate the last log file

  • WT-3683 Allow eviction of clean pages with history when cache is stuck

  • WT-3710 Get a page-level lock to ensure page splits are single threaded

  • WT-3752 Allow trimming of obsolete modify updates.

查看 JIRA 更新日志以了解全部更新列表:https://jira.mongodb.org/projects/WT/versions/18401

有关 api 和行为更改的详细信息,请参阅升级文档,点此查看完整更新日志


历史版本 :
WiredTiger 3.0.0 发布,MongoDB 存储引擎
WiredTiger 2.9.3 发布,MongoDB 存储引擎
WiredTiger 2.9.2 发布,MongoDB 存储引擎
WiredTiger 2.9.1 发布,MongoDB 存储引擎
WiredTiger 2.9.0 发布,NoSQL 存储引擎
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