发布于 2017-06-28 00:03:04 | 80 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


WiredTiger NoSQL 存储引擎

WiredTiger 是一个开源的、高性能、可伸缩的 NoSQL 数据存储引擎。

MongoDB 存储引擎 WiredTiger 2.9.3 已发布,有如下重要的变更:

JIRA reference Brief description
WT-2972 Add an interface allowing partial updates to existing values
WT-3063 Add an interface allowing reservation of records for read-modify-write
WT-3142 Add a workload generator application
WT-3160 Improve eviction of internal pages from idle trees
WT-3245 Avoid hangs on shutdown when a utility thread encounters an error
WT-3258 Improve visibility into thread wait time due to pages exceeding memory_page_max
WT-3263 Allow archive on restart/recovery if clean shutdown
WT-3287 Review WiredTiger internal panic checks
WT-3292 Review/cleanup full-barrier calls in WiredTiger
WT-3296 LAS table fixes/improvements
WT-3327 Checkpoints can hang if time runs backward
WT-3345 Improve rwlock scaling
WT-3373 Access violation due to a bug in internal page splitting
WT-3379 Change when pages can be split to avoid excessively slowing some operations



历史版本 :
WiredTiger 3.0.0 发布,MongoDB 存储引擎
WiredTiger 2.9.3 发布,MongoDB 存储引擎
WiredTiger 2.9.2 发布,MongoDB 存储引擎
WiredTiger 2.9.1 发布,MongoDB 存储引擎
WiredTiger 2.9.0 发布,NoSQL 存储引擎
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